ISB's charity heroes get younger

Grade 5 students have been on a new range of field trips designed to empower them to purpose and compassion by learning through community service.

APAC is back!

ISB athletes and fans lit up Shanghai last weekend for the first Asia Pacific Activities Conference since 2019. Here’s why the return of this Varsity sports showcase meant so much to China’s international school community and ISB’s goal of empowering students to purpose and compassion.

Photos – ISB welcomes the Year of the Rabbit

Events like this play a big role in the strong relationships found in the ISB community.

ISB Alumni Digest shows once a Dragon, always a Dragon

ISB is developing the greatest alumni network in Asia as part of its strategic focus on peer relationships among the school’s wider community. The new Alumni Digest newsletter is bursting with alumni highlights.

Online learning highlights

A top five of techniques and tech that faculty and classes have been enjoying in their virtual classes these past few weeks.

See, exchange, and stay informed on your children's learning

ISB prioritizes strong relationships and clear communication between school and home. Through Seesaw and DX, parents can engage with their children’s learning 24/7. Here are tips and videos on how to get the most from these online platforms.

Students help design ISB rooftop garden!

International School of Beijing students help design the school's new rooftop garden as part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability and providing hands-on learning experiences.

3 Reasons why Beijing is the best choice for expats with children

Why is Beijing the best city for expats? Discover 3 reasons why working at ISB can provide your family with an amazing experience.

Meet and greets, Back to School Nights, and delicious coffee mornings

ISB’s new Strategic Plan formally identifies strong relationships as one of the school’s priorities. With a host of events on offer for parents this month, here’s a look at how ISB engages parents in its welcoming community.

2022-2023 in news at isb

We’re freshening up our reporting on all the great things happening at ISB. Here’s how we’ll keep you informed this year with stories about challenging and joyful learning, student empowerment, and the strong relationships in our international community.

2021-2022 review: stand-out moments and achievements (part 2)

More highlights from an unusual year in which the ISB community has shown it is already living the school’s new Strategic Plan.

35 years serving an international community

ISB will give a fond farewell to one of its most long-standing members of staff next week. Here’s how people make a community and communities make people.

2021-2022 review: stand-out moments and achievements (part 1)

Highlights from another unusual year in which the ISB community has shown it is already living the school’s new Strategic Plan.

How this ISB legacy cybrarian spends her weekend in Beijing

The decision to change your place of work is all-encompassing – especially when it includes a move....

Congratulations to the Class of 2022, ISB’s newest alumni!

These students have exciting futures ahead of them after Saturday’s graduation, with many poised to take up offers for their dream courses from universities worldwide.

Top places to visit in Beijing near ISB for families

Opting to work at a world-renowned international school may ensure both your schedule and your...

Meet the alumni who returned to ISB as faculty

Can you guess which of these ISB classmates liked the school’s ethos so much that they’ve come back to campus to lead challenging and joyful learning like they enjoyed?

Busy period for ISB’s Chinese program

Fireworks and roaring dragons aplenty as students enjoy Chinese Panda Reading Week and excel in writing competitions.