ISB News

Implementation of Strategic Focus Areas: Dynamic Action

Written by International School of Beijing | Nov 22, 2022 11:15:00 PM

Last week, all three of the International School of Beijing (ISB)'s Strategic Focus Areas were fully visible on campus!

Our Parent Teacher Conferences were not only an opportunity to strengthen relationships between faculty and home, but also exemplified our commitment to Strategic Focus Area 1: 'our core': challenging and joyful learning.


The Middle School play, "Once Upon A Hutong" was a great example of Strategic Focus Area 2: using our resources to empower students to purpose and compassion. This includes finding at least one co-curricular area and one academic area which they are passionate about.

And our dedication to developing strong, lifelong peer relationships (Strategic Focus Area 3) across national, linguistic, and cultural lines in our inclusive community was on display during today's staff Professional Development Day. Faculty and staff spent time together to make our teaching and programs even better!

Read more about the thinking and planning behind our new Strategic Plan here.