Photos – ISB welcomes Year of the Rat
By Nick Yates, ISB Communications
The International School of Beijing (ISB) ushered in the Chinese New Year with traditional celebrations on campus on Wednesday. Students, teachers, staff, and parents came together for activities including a school-wide parade, temple fair, and performances. The campus was thrown open to ISB families, who enjoyed workshops on local crafts and social practices.
ISB’s Chinese Language and Culture Center (CLCC) was established in 2018 to enhance both Chinese language teaching and Chinese themed events at the school, to ensure strong integration with the local culture. For this New Year celebration, the CLCC helped bring in a guest speaker from the Forbidden City. Other visitors since the CLCC’s establishment have included legendary film director Zhang Yimou, calligraphers, and poets.
The coming year under the Chinese zodiac is the Year of the Rat. Rats may have negative connotations in the West, but in Asia they are looked on far more favorably.
“Chinese New Year is the most significant holiday in this country, with traditions dating back 3,000 years. Some practices are still alive, and there are new traditions being added to reflect our modern society,” said Grace Zeng, CLCC leader and director of Chinese at ISB. “This event gave our students and community an opportunity to connect with China’s past and present, creating the kind of shared cultural experience that’s such a big part of an international education.”
ISB is an extraordinary school, made so by a tradition of educational excellence spanning 40 years. Establishing, nurturing, and growing such an exceptional learning community has been and remains intentional; we work hard to build strong relationships so our learning is at its best.